Angular directive递归实现目录树结构代码实例
编程学习 2021-07-04 18:32www.dzhlxh.cn编程入门
本篇文章主要介绍了Angular directive递归实现目录树结构代码实例,具有一定的参考价值,感兴趣的小伙伴们可以参考一下
整理文档,搜刮出一个Angular directive递归实现目录树结构代码实例代码,稍微整理精简一下做下分享。
1. 整棵目录树的实现,通过嵌套完成,主要在于对treeItem.html的递归使用
<script type="text/ng-template" id="treeView.html"> <ul> <li ng-repeat="item in treeData.children" ng-include="'treeItem.html'"></li> </ul> </script> <script type="text/ng-template" id="treeItem.html"> <span class="color-indictor" ng-class="{'leaf-node': isLeaf(item), 'expand-node': !isLeaf(item) && item.isExpand, 'unexpand-node': !isLeaf(item) && !item.isExpand}" ng-click="toggleExpandStatus(item)"></span> <span>{{}}</span> <ul ng-if="!isLeaf(item)" ng-show="item.isExpand"> <li ng-repeat="item in item.children" ng-include="'treeItem.html'"></li> </ul> </script>
2. 点击展开/关闭目录树
3. 源码
<script src=""></script> <script> angular.module("treeApp", []) .controller("treeController", function($scope){ $scope.jsonData = { name: 'menu', children: [{ name: 'A', children: [{ name: 'A.1', children: [{ name: 'A.1.1', children: [] }] },{ name: 'A.2', children: [{ name: 'A.2.1', children: [{ name: 'A.2.1.1', children: [] }] },{ name: 'A.2.2', children: [] }] }] },{ name: 'B', children: [{ name: 'B.1', children: [] },{ name: 'B.2', children: [] }] },{ name: 'C', children: [] }] }; }).directive('treeView', function(){ return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: 'treeView.html', scope: { treeData: '=' }, controller: function($scope){ $scope.isLeaf = function(item){ return !item.children || !item.children.length; }; $scope.toggleExpandStatus = function(item){ item.isExpand = !item.isExpand; }; } }; }); </script> <style> ul{ list-style: none; } .color-indictor{ display: inline-block; width: 20px; height: 20px; cursor: pointer; } .color-indictor.leaf-node{ background: red; } .color-indictor.unexpand-node{ background: green; } .color-indictor.expand-node{ background-color: yellow; } </style> <body ng-app="treeApp" ng-controller="treeController"> <div> <p>Introduce: Click green block expand the menu tree</p> <p>Red: Leaf node, can not click</p> <p>Green: Unexpand node, click to expand menu</p> <p>Yellow: Expanded node, click to unexpand menu</p> </div> <tree-view tree-data="jsonData"></tree-view> </body> <script type="text/ng-template" id="treeView.html"> <ul> <li ng-repeat="item in treeData.children" ng-include="'treeItem.html'"></li> </ul> </script> <script type="text/ng-template" id="treeItem.html"> <span class="color-indictor" ng-class="{'leaf-node': isLeaf(item), 'expand-node': !isLeaf(item) && item.isExpand, 'unexpand-node': !isLeaf(item) && !item.isExpand}" ng-click="toggleExpandStatus(item)"></span> <span>{{}}</span> <ul ng-if="!isLeaf(item)" ng-show="item.isExpand"> <li ng-repeat="item in item.children" ng-include="'treeItem.html'"></li> </ul> </script>