Ajax 学习资源 中外都有

编程学习 2021-07-05 10:36www.dzhlxh.cn编程入门
•  XMLHttpRequest教程:“动态网页接口”:
• JavaScript性能基准:
• AJAX资源:
• JavaScript规范: ... ndards/Ecma-262.htm
• 介绍JavaScript对象标识:
•  Mozilla 的Venkman JavaScript调试器:
•  XML DOM参考:
• Microsoft Dynamic HTML reference:
• Gecko DOM Reference:
• "“移植IE应用到Mozilla”

• Mozilla XUL reference:

• Microsoft XAML reference:
... t.asp?url=/library/
• James Jesses Garret introduced the term AJAX in his article "AJAX: A New Approach to Web Applications," (Adaptive Path, February 2005): “AJAX:新的网页应用开发方式”
... archives/000385.php
• JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA:

• Microsoft Visual Studio:

• JSEditor:

• JSEclipse:
... JSEclipse/Overview/
• ActiveState Komodo:


• Document Object Model:

• Cascading Style Sheets:

• Extensible Stylesheet Language:

• XForms:

• Scaling Vector Graphics:

• XPath:

• AJAX.Net:

• Backbase:

• Bitkraft:

• Django:

• Dojo:

• DWR (Direct Web Reporting):

• MochiKit:

• Prototype:

• Rico:

• Sajax:

• Sarissa:

• Script.aculo.us:

• Ruby on Rails:

• For more on AJAX and DWR, read "AJAX Made Simple with DWR," Cloves Carneiro Jr. (JavaWorld, June 2005): 关于AJAX和DWR,请阅读“AJAX使用DWR更简单”

• For more articles on Java development tools, browse the Development Tools section of JavaWorld's Topical Index: 更多Java开发工具的文章,请浏览JavaWorld的开发工具部分索引页

• For more articles on XML, browse the Java and XML section of JavaWorld's Topical Index: 更多XML的文章,请浏览JavaWorld的Java和XML部分索引页

• For more articles on UI design, browse the User Interface Design section of JavaWorld's Topical Index: 更多UI设计的文章,请浏览JavaWorld的UI设计部分索引页

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