
站长资源 2021-10-11 09:55www.dzhlxh.cnseo优化
【1314名女性运动员将参加北京冬奥会,所占比例历史最高】再过117天,北京冬奥会的圣火就将在鸟巢点燃。北京冬奥组委体育部部长佟立新介绍,北京冬奥会的运动员参赛配额是2892名运动员,这其中,女性运动员占到了1314名,占所有参赛运动员的45.2%,为历届冬奥会最高。A total of 1,314 female athletes will attend the 2022 Winter Olympic Games in China, constituting 45.2 percent of the total participation, a record high in Winter Olympic history, according to Tong Lixin, director of the sports department of the Beijing Winter Olympic organizing committee. For more:

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